Monday, December 2, 2013

Facebook Still Sucks

Two days ago, I was considering reactivating my Facebook account for the following reasons:

  1. I have no way to contact some of my friends.
  2. None of my friends contact me on their own, presumably because they are too busy for me, have no easy/reliable way to contact me, have friends they'd rather contact/that are easier to contact, and/or never think to contact me.
  3. Few of my friends have Google+, the only major social network I use, and of the few who have Google+, few of them actually use it, and none of them use it regularly.
  4. I have had little social interaction outside my immediate family recently.
  5. I am incredibly lonely and miss all my friends.
However, instead of just reactivating my Facebook account on a whim, I did the smart thing and looked at the website for Social Fixer (a web browser application that makes Facebook user-friendly), to look up if Facebook had improved at all.  Needless to say, Facebook is still as user-friendly as a sloth is fast.  In fact, they've gotten worse because they forced Social Fixer to get rid of two of its many excellent features.  Ergo, my Facebook account is a long ways away from being reactivated (if it ever will be), and my hatred for Facebook has increased.

If only hundreds of millions of people were willing to boycott Facebook, then the crooked social networking site might get the message that it sucks, but alas, billions of people are too addicted to the virtual drug to even realize that there's a problem with it being not user-friendly.  So if you, the reader of this post, are able to realize how Facebook as a website is treating you like dirt, I implore you to at least spread the word that Facebook is annoying to use, and that people should complain about its user-unfriendliness.  If possible, please boycott it, or convince a group of friends to boycott it with you, but at the very least, realize that Facebook has many inadequacies, and that YOU SHOULD BE DISSATISFIED with its features and set up and that YOU DESERVE BETTER.

For info on how Facebook could improve, and/or to download an application to improve it somewhat, visit

Facebook is evil!

-William Winkeler

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