Friday, August 30, 2013

Star Crossing Quest VIII: Trek of the Animal King (Or, What I Have Been Doing Lately)

If you can't figure out from the title what I've been doing lately, read on for better detail.

Sometime after being released from the hospital, I finally decided to start watching something I'd been meaning to start watching for a while now: Star Trek: The Original Series!  Still in Season 1 of that, but I'm definitely enjoying it.

This past Tuesday I stopped by Game Monster (a local used video game store) to see if there was anything I could purchase with my store credit there.  And I was fortunate to find a PS2 game I had my eye out for; Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King!  Having played most of Dragon Quest IV and Dragon Quest V (and greatly enjoying them), I picked up DQ8, and now I'm enjoying it too.

But that's not all!  A day after that, I was compelled to download a game for my 3DS, so I'd have a new portable game to play.  After scrounging together some digital funds, I managed to purchase and download Animal Crossing: New Leaf!  I am also enjoying that, and I'm digging the new features within the game.

And with that, the title of this post should have a clearer meaning now.

Warp factor 3, Mr. Sulu; I've got to decorate my house and defeat some slimes!

- Mayor William of the Starship Metal Slime

Sunday, August 25, 2013

I Am Never Mowing the Lawn Again (At Least Until I Get a Beekeeper's Outfit)

Received two more yellow jacket stings today while mowing the lawn.  This time, the stings made me break out in hives, and my face began to swell.  This called for a trip to the hospital via ambulance.   I received many drugs to reduce the swelling and other effects,  but it was apparent that I had developed an allergy for the venom of the stings.  I managed to take a nap at the hospital, and while it wasn't torturous, it was incredibly boring.  

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Numb and Number

Went to the dentist today for some dental work.  After a half an hour wait, I got through the worst part (the anesthetic shots).  While a prolonged bitter taste lingered in my mouth, they took care of what need to be done in my lower right teeth.  However, when they started to do work on my upper front teeth, I began feeling pain.  Thus, more anesthetic shots were required, leaving my upper lip heavy and useless, along with my nose numb and immovable.  (I'm certainly glad I shaved yesterday. ^^)  Many slow minutes later, the job was done, and though I could finally rinse out my mouth of the still lingering bitterness, my lame lip made the task sloppy.

After having been in the dentist office nearly 2 hours, I was able to leave.  At home, I managed to swallow 2 ibuprofen pills.  Feeling hungry next, I started eating yogurt.  However, feeding myself yogurt with a numb upper lip felt like I was feeding a baby said food, except that I could control the baby's actions.   I can't smile as well as normal, and I have trouble speaking certain consonant sounds.  As my lip and nose still cannot register pain as I write this, I dread having to continue to deal with this lack of feeling throughout the day.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

I'm Starting to Know How Nicolas Cage Must Feel...

Several weeks ago, while mowing the lawn, I was stung by a yellow jacket twice; this was the first time I was stung by any sort of stinging insect.  Today while mowing the lawn, I was stung by a yellow jacket again.  I am very angry now. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

OMG! WTF?! ...RIP...

A dead bird randomly appeared on our backyard patio when we weren't looking.  It was very creepy.  Then I had to use a shovel to move its corpse to the edge of the street.  The whole experience was mildly disturbing.